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谢涛 教授,博士


地址:杭州市浙大路38号第十教学大楼2101房间 (邮编:310027



一直从事多功能智能高分子材料基础及应用研究,在形状记忆高分子,质子交换膜,仿生智能高分子等方向取得了多项重要研究成果。近年作为通讯作者在包括Nature主刊,Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional Materials等期刊发表近20篇论文。拥有超过70项美国,德国,日本,中国及世界专利。研究成果多次被国际权威科学媒体广泛报道,其中包括麻省理工技术综述(两次),英国皇家化学会会刊《化学世界》,美国化学会会刊,美国材料研究协会在线《MRS 360(三次)。多次组织国际重大学术会议并在作为非组织人时做邀请报告,其中包括美国化学会年会,美国材料研究协会年会,及国际响应刺激材料年会。曾获美国Conte国家高分子研究中心杰出研究奖(2001年),美国通用汽车公司最高科学奖(Campbell奖)(2011年),及美国制造工程师协会2011年年度创新奖。2013年入选中组部千人计划长期创新计划






下列期刊审稿人Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advances in Polymer Science, ACS Nano, Progress in Polymer Science, MRS Bulletin, Materials Today, Macromolecules, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Soft Matter, Langmuir, Polymer, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Journal of Materials Research, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Polymer Advanced Technology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, Express Polymer Letters, European Polymer Journal, Polymer Engineering and Science.


  1. 多功能高分子复合材料,形状记忆高分子,液晶弹性体,智能生物材料,仿生高分子体系;
  2. 复杂且各向异型微纳米聚合物粒子的制备方法及应用;
  3. 高分子合成设计,结构与性能表征。


1. Xie, T.*Nature2010, 464, 267.“Tunable polymer multi-shape memory effect”. Highlighted by MIT Tech Review, C&E news, Chemistry world, New Scientist, MRS 369, C&I news, Science News, Tech News Daily, and others.
2. Xu, H.; Yu, C.; Wang, S.; Malyarchuk, V.; Xie, T.*; Rogers, J.*Adv. Func. Mater. Early view DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201203396. “Deformable, Programmable, and Shape-Memorizing Micro-Optics”. Highlighted by Nanowerk, MRS 369, others.
3. Chen, C.; Chiang, C.; Lai, C.; Xie, T.; Yang, S.*Adv. Func. Mater. Early view DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201300052. “Buckling-Based Strong Dry Adhesives Via Interlocking".
4. Luo, Y.; Guo, Y.; Gao, X.*; Li B.; Xie, T. Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 734,. “A General Approach Towards Thermoplastic Multishape-Memory Polymers via Sequence Structure Design”.
5. Xie, T.*; Page, K.*; Eastman, S.Adv. Funct. Mater.2011,21, 2057. “Strain based temperature memory effect for Nafion and its molecular origin”.
6. Xie, T.*Polymer (Invited Feature Article), 2011, 52, 4895. “Recent advances in polymer shape memory”.
7. He, Z.; Satarkar, N.; Xie, T.*; Cheng, YT.;Hilt, Z.*.Adv. Mater.2011,23, 3192. “Remote controlled multi-shape polymer nanocomposites with selective radiofrequency actuations”.
8. Xie, T.*; Xiao, XC.; Li, J.; Wang, R.Adv. Mater.2010,22, 4390. “Encoding localized strain history through wrinkle based diffraction colors”. Cover Art.
9. Li, J.; Xie, T.*Macromolecules2011,44, 175.“Significant impact of thermo-mechanical conditions on polymer triple-shape memory effect”.
10. Li, J.; Y, An.; R, Huang.; H, Jiang.; Xie, T.*ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2012, 4, 598. “Unique aspects of a shape memory polymer as the substrate for surface wrinkling”.
11. Li, J.; Rodgers, W.; Xie, T.*Polymer2011,52, 3520. “Semi-crystalline based two-way reversible shape memory elastomer”.
12. Xiao, XC.*; Xie, T.*; Cheng, YT. J. Mater. Chem.2010, 20, 3508. “Self-healable graphene polymer composites”.Invited contribution to special theme issue on Actively moving polymers.
13. Wang, RM.; Xie, T.*Langmuir2010, 26, 2999. “Shape memory- and hydrogen bonding- based strong reversible adhesives”.Most accessed article,Highlighted by MIT Tech Review (Super Velcro).
14. Rousseau, IA.*; Xie, T.J. Mater. Chem.2010,20, 3431. “Shape memory epoxy: composition, structure, properties and shape memory performances” Invited contribution to special theme issue on Actively moving polymers.
15. Wang, RM.; Xie, T.*Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 1341. “Macroscopic evidence of strong cation-pi interaction in a synthetic polymer system”
16. Wang, RM.;Xiao, XC. ; Xie, T.*Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2010, 31, 295. “Viscoelastic behavior and force nature of thermo-reversible dry adhesives”.
17. Kim, S.; Sitti, M.;*Xie, T.;* Xiao, XC. Soft Matter2009, 5,3689. “Reversible dry adhesives with thermally controllable adhesion”.
18. Xie, T.;*Xiao, XC. Cheng, YT. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2009, 30, 1823-1827. “Achieving triple-shape memory effect in polymer bilayers”.
19. Xie, T.;*Rousseau, I. Polymer 2009, 50,1852. “Facile tailoring of the transformation temperatures of epoxy shape memory polymers”.
20. Xie, T.;*Xiao, XC. Chem. Mater.2008, 20,2866. “Self-peeling reversible dry adhesive system”.